Penina Fenig Testimonials


My son had pretty extreme articulation issues. He has grown exponentially with his pronunciation. It’s incredible to see and all with a happy heart.

MM, age 5

“My children became more responsible and more positive towards learning. Penina was so dedicated and caring to my children.”

LT, age 8 and DT, age 11

When I have concerns about my students’ inability to organize ideas, sequence events and express themselves clearly, I refer them to Penina with confidence. My students who have worked with Penina learned important skills and tools to organize their ideas, express themselves clearly and feel confident in their schoolwork and in the classroom.”

Amanda Khorshad, English Language Arts Teacher, New York City

I was concerned about how to get my son to focus during class time and to keep up with his class assignments. He has been working with Penina since the 3rd grade and is now in 6th grade. My son has evolved into a creative writer as well as picked up the tools to help him be an independent learner. Penina understands the person my son is. She gets his moods and is able to get him back on track.

DA, Age 12

Penina and I collaborated on behalf of our students over the course of our 12+ year professional relationship. I have even consulted frequently with Penina for guidance for private clients that needed specific Speech and Language and Executive Functioning Skills training. Penina has always been a source of tremendous knowledge in both the areas of Speech and Language as well as Executive Functioning. Her analytic and verbal skills are unequaled, and it has been, specifically, in these areas, that she has helped the most. I have learned a great deal as a Literacy Specialist from our collaboration. I have learned that many of the learning disabilities that are diagnosed often have underpinnings that may be addressed by Executive Functioning Coaching.

Polly Goltche, Literacy Specialist, New York City

My high school age daughter was entitled to support services. She needed help breaking down assignments and material so that it was manageable. She needed assistance staying on task. Penina also tapped into areas of my child’s functioning beyond her academic performance. Penina’s care and concern for my daughter surpassed anything that I could have expected from a provider. It was that care and concern that gave my daughter the impetus to do her personal best. My daughter made incredible strides in high school due to Penina’s efforts. Penina’s skill and diligence has enabled my daughter to succeed beyond our wildest dreams in her post high school program.

MA, age 16

Over the years we saw great progress. My daughter progressed in her studies, self confidence and social life. Penina worked with her in many subjects and on different types of assignments. Penina was able to support my daughter with her expertise, kindness and patience. The most important area of progress that was made was her self confidence. Once my daughter felt good about herself, she tackled her work with determination and care.

NF, Age 14